Take the weight off your shoulders and get us to set up your Google Ads for you.

We have set up tons of Google Ads accounts before, charging thousands. Take advantage of the 'discounted for detailers' service.

Get it right, the first time

Benefit from one-on-one walkthroughs of the platform

Get ahead of the competition


"I'm a detailer, not a digital marketing expert!" 

Does this statement resonate with you? Running a successful detailing business requires you to do much more than just detail. Autobead Detailer Accelerator exists, so you can get back to doing what you do best. Detailing. Implementing systems right will help to boost lead flow and generate more sales.

The power of Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful marketing channel that can drive a consistent stream of high-quality leads if set up correctly. The key is to know how a campaign needs to be set up to drive targeted traffic and convert it to enquiries and sales.

Take the stress off your shoulders with a 'done-for-you' service

This service will set up your campaign for you and take the heaving lifting off your shoulders. We have over a decade of experience with Google Ads and will ensure that it is set up to meet your objectives. The setup will work for campaigns now and in the future.


Save time on not having to spend hours researching how Google Ads works and how to set up a campaign to Maximise performance

Google Ads is a powerful platform and with this comes a great deal of complexity. This means that it can take time to familiarise yourself with the tool before you get to the point where you are able to start setting up a campaign.  This service will set up your Google Ads campaign following the best practices allowing you to stay focused on the things you do best.

Have a Google Ads campaign that is built on a foundation of best practice

Our team has over a decade of experience running Google Ads. campaigns Your account will be set up following industry great practice and have a foundation for success.

Learn how Google Ads works

Included in this service is our Google Ads Guide which outlines how Google Ads works and how to set up a successful campaign.  This will give you the knowledge to be able to update and optimise your campaigns as required. 

What does the service include?

The Google Ads campaign setup includes the items below:

Planning & Strategy

- Carry out keyword research

- Create the strategic campaign structure

- Budget planning and set targets

Setting up The Foundations

- Install and set up Google Tag Manager

- Install and set up Google Analytics

- Set up conversion goals

Campaign Set up

- Set up brand campaign 

- Set up a campaign for up to five services 

1 Month Optimisation

- After launching the campaign, we will optimise it for the first month to ensure it achieves the desired results.


What happens after the one-month optimisation period?

At this point, you can decide whether you would like to take over the management of the account or if we should continue with it. Our monthly management fee is £295 per month.

What is the format of the Google Ads course?

The course is in a written format with supporting diagrams and screenshots. This makes it easy to go through the information at your own pace.

Is the campaign guaranteed to work?

In short, no. There are so many variables to make a campaign successful, including the website's quality, your business's reputation, and your service prices.

We will set up the Google Ads account using great industry practice, which will maximise your chances of success.

"I'm a detailer, not a PPC expert. Getting help from a business which understands detailing, has been a real step forward for me."

"To be honest, I kept clear of pay-per-click before as it never used to work for me. Now it does."

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