Are you looking to grow your business during this recession?

Meet the Detailer Revenue System

For Detailers That Like to Win. The All-in-One Detailing Business App.

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime
Generate GREAT Leads

Automate Tasks

Grow Profits

Zero Computer Skills Needed | Designed For Detailers | Mobile & Desktop App

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Central Inbox

SMS & Email Marketing

Modern Detailers
Love Making More Money

See For Yourself...

Mark Leddy

Polished & Waxed

DRS will allow every detailing business to benefit from it every day to increase sales and save time.

Jack Norris

Status Detailing

I've got my evenings back. DRS saves me so much time with admin and customer communications.

Chris Evans


DRS allows me to make more money. I made back the annual cost in months, if not weeks.

No Setup Fee. £69 per Month. Cancel Anytime

So, Why DRS?

Be honest – do you feel like you’re working hard all day, then need to work every evening and weekend on admin, marketing, sales… and everything in-between?

That’s where DRS comes in.

It’s an all-in-one business management system which automates time-consuming tasks for you—giving you your evenings and weekends back.

Zero computer skills?

That’s zero problem.

DRS is so simple to use; you already know how to use it. Available on iOS, Android, and Desktop

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime

DRS saves you hours every day and makes you thousands extra every month

Without DRS

No leads
Low profit margins
Working evening & weekends

With DRS

Stream of customers
Increased profits
Evening & Weekends
In control

Would you like a holiday without feeling guilty about it?

Then sign up for a DRS Free Trial today to Accelerate Your Growth!

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime

DRS makes OUTSTANDING customer service easy,

Boosting Customer Satisfaction

The fastest way to boost your profits is by increasing your prices. “But by how much?” We are constantly asked. OR “I can’t do that.” We are constantly told.

The truth is, you can and by however much is possible whilst maintaining customer satisfaction! If a customer goes away happy, then you have earnt every penny. Being a DRS user means continuous improvement for marketing, sales, and customer satisfaction excellence.

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime
No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime

DRS Makes Our...

Customer's businesses Recession-Proof

In the last five years, we have enjoyed a buoyant global economy. For example, if a customer wanted to get their car detailed and wanted a new sofa, they got both.

NOW – that customer will do one or the other.

WE MUST assert ourselves to be their purchase of choice.

Implementing systems which stop the customer from “buying the sofa” between making the booking and the time of booking. DRS offers the practices and processes to survive and WIN during these changing times.

Developed over eight years of industry research

Detailer Revenue System Whitepaper

Real strategy, better leads, and more profit.

The System has Everything Detailers Need to Market, Sell, Schedule and Make Money.

All In One Convenient App

DRS is

For every detailer

DRS is a complete business management solution for detailers of all types. Mobile, unit, big team, no team, high or low price point. Your DRS app will be set up for your business. Giving you the perfect kick-start.

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime

DRS is

Your Database

Have you ever had a last-minute cancellation and wished that you could contact every person who has ever enquired with your business to see if they would like an immediate service without the usual wait?

Well, now you can. Every enquiry, contact, and customer is kept in your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database.

You can segment by location, car, completed jobs, and money spent.

Keep track of your best customers.

Build an asset for your business.

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime
No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime

DRS is

Your Assistant

Do you ever wish you had some extra help?

To schedule appointments, send invoices, send appointment reminders, request reviews, or prompt customers to book a maintenance service. DRS does this for you. 

Schedule appointments adn automate reminders

Send invoices

Request reviews and boost reputation

DRS is

Your Fastest Route to Payment

Ever had issues with customers not paying when they say they would? Or “forgetting” their wallet upon collection.

With DRS, that’s no problem. Quickly create invoices and send them from the mobile or desktop app.

Collect deposits immediately.

Send invoices by email, SMS, and Facbook

Automatic invoice reminders

Full reporting

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime
No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime

DRS is

Your Email & SMS Marketing

Social media marketing is good, but it is expensive.

Also, you don’t own the audience. The platform decides whom your content gets shown.

However, with your database, you own it.

Communicate what you want, when you want

Stay front of mind

Nurture and convert leads

DRS is

A New Dimension to Your Marketing

99% of detailer marketing asks leads if they want a detail service NOW. But this results in 99% of prospects being under-educated.

DRS captures, nurtures, and converts leads that understand your value. Creating shorter sales cycles and more pfofit.

Automate prospect education

Generate high buyer intent leads

A constant stream of leads

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime
No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime

DRS is

Powerful Insights Into Your Business

How well do you know your business?

With DRS, you’ll get to know it even better. 

Facebook and Google Ads Reporting

Revenue Attribution Reports

Get to know what is working


DRS Gives You Everything You Need To Help Your Detailing Business Succeed.


Store customer details, opportunities, and service history.

Email Marketing

Send newsletters, offers and automated email communications to your contacts.

Reputation Management

Send review requests via email and SMS, and monitor your online reputation.

SMS Marketing

Send manual or automated SMS updates to all or selected contacts.


Schedule jobs and appointments to plan your time & team efficiently.

Central Inbox

Make sure you don’t miss a message and save time with a central inbox.


Send invoices and allow customers to pay via PayPal and Stripe.

Paid Bookings

Allow customers to book and pay for services and appointments.


Create automations that will save your time and a sure customers receive the best service.

Built in Dialer

Track & record inbound calls to measure the effectiveness of your marketing. 


Set up subscriptions for your customers that allow them to make automated payments.

Facebook Integration

See how well your Facebook campaigns are performing with centralised reporting.

Google My Business

Mange and respond to reviews from your Google Business Profile.


Monitor your business's performance with sales and pipeline reports.

Mobile App

Manage your business with an App compatible with IOS & Android.

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime

Get £7,026 worth of assets FREE when you sign up for the free trial.

When you sign up to your DRS account it will be filled with assets ready for you to use to grow your detailing business.

Appointment reminders  -  £199

Join our weekly calls to ask questions and learn about proven strategies to grow your sales and increase profits.

Email Template Pack  -  £399

Access our best practice email templates to increase sales & improve customer service.

SMS Template Pack  -  £399

Get access to best practice SMS templates to increase sales & improve customer service.

Education Flow  -                               £1,997

Send new prospects a series of automated emails that educate them on the value of your services.

Welcome Series  -  £997

Increase your trust & credibility with new contacts using a series of welcome emails.  

Retention Series  - £997

Increase the value of your customers with this retention series that will keep your customers coming back for more.

"thank you" & review request flow  -  £199

Improve customer satisfaction and increase reviews received with an automated service follow-up flow.

Automated Service Reminder -  £149

Automated messages to customers three months after service to ask if they would like to book a maintenance wash.

Winter Revival Email Offer  - £297

Get bookings today with this proven winter revival campaign that will drive enquiries and sales.

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime

Add another £2,090 of support, training and courses for just £295 

Supercharge your success with a package of courses, training and continued support

DRS Insider for life  -  £600 per year

Join our weekly calls to ask questions and learn about proven strategies to grow your sales and increase profits.

1 seat of 6 on our weekly “Winning Start Cohort” places - £295

Learn how to make the most of your DRS account to increase your sales and improve your efficiency.

“Supercharge Your Detailing Busines” 7 x Webinar Series - £399

Learn about strategy, marketing and sales best practices with our 7 part webinar series.

Google Organic & Google My Business Optimisation Course - £199

Find out how to increase your business's visibility and drive enquiries through Google Search and your Google Business Profile.

Google Ads for Detailers Course - £199

Access our Google Ads best practice and step-by-step guide to set up your Google Ads account the right way.

Customer Data Upload Done For You - £199

Transfer you existing customer data into DRS so that you can get the full value as soon as you open your DRS account.

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime

30 Years of Business Scale Experience

Over the last decade, we (James and Markus) have helped to build multiple $10m+ revenue technology firms. Including a business valued at $1bn.

James Ford

Strategy and Growth Consultant

Since 2010, James has helped businesses grow by implementing first-class digital experiences and systems. An expert in sales and marketing, James has specialised in shortening sales processes, meaning teams close more business in less time. This is supported by the materials, systems and strategies James implements.

Markus Goess-Saurau

Digital Marketing Specialist

In 2012 Markus sold his eCommerce agency for £2m to the fastest growing technology company in Europe. This is where James and Markus met. Since then, Markus has held roles such as Chief Marketing Officer for brands like Russell & Bromley and built multiple successful businesses by implementing his business model for success.

some other of our...

Happy Customers

Rudy M.

"I did a business workshop with Autobead. It was very helpful and interesting. I believe that these services will be helpful for any detailing business. It helped us to increase our prices, solidify our processes and close more sales."

Chris P.

"The business workshop was brilliant. It really helped me to get a firm grip on where my business is right now, where I want it to go and how I can get it there. Things that felt too complicated now seem simple and attainable."

Jamal A.

"A real business conversation. James is a great listener and asked very insightful questions, which helped him understand where my business was at and how it could grow. Working with Autobead has helped me to make my business more sustainable."

No Setup Fee. £69 Per Month. Cancel Anytime
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